Silas Correia Lobo

Allgemeine Informationen rund um die Kurse von S. C. Lobo

Dies ist der Moodle-Kurs für die Übung zu Software Engineeting im Bachelorstudiengang User Expirence Design für die Wintersemester 21/22.
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Ziel der Vorlesung ist es den Studierenden die Technologien, Protokolle und Awendungen der Car2X-Kommunikation zu vermitteln.

Teleoperated Driving with Car2X Communication

After attending the course the students

  • have the basic competences for the development of small and medium-sized software systems.
  • are familiar with the basic steps of software engineering.
  • know existing quality models and their meaning for the development of software.
  • the listeners can describe requirements to a software system in a structured way.
  • know fundamental architecture principles and can uses thes for creating software architectures.
  • can use selected diagrams of the UML for the description and documentation of a software system.
  • know the basic process of testing.
  • can use different testing strategies.
  • are familiar with basic procedure models for software development.