Dr. Hans Georg Arnswald

Allgemeine Informationen rund um die Kurse von Dr. H. G. Arnswald

Weitere Kurse

Dear Students,

this is the moodle course room for the marketing course in the basic study (Grundstudium).


13.15 - 16.25 in G117

Please get the book (see Agenda with bibliography) and also read the first chapter.

Thank you so much for your understanding.

The course is based on the well known Marketing standard book from Philip Kotler and Kevin Keller, Marketing-Management, New Jersey 2017, 14th edition. This course is held in English! But don’t be afraid, you will never have such a good chance to practice your English without being punished ;-)))

Through your studies on the basis of this standard work book you will learn the basic principles of Marketing and practice the relevant English terms that are used in daily business as well.

There is a script that is offered via this Moodle page for both parts, one from Prof. Raab, another from Prof Decker. But: Learning the script by heart will not be sufficient. In class we will do a lot of interactive parts and cases. So you need to be able to use your knowledge and make a transfer or solve small cases by yourself.