Prof. Dr. Dirk Hecht

Allgemeine Informationen rund um die Kurse von Prof. Dr. D. Hecht

Dear Students,

I am very pleased to lead you through the summer semester and I would like to warmly welcome you to the module „International Negotiation Training“!

You have time until March 18 at 8:00 pm to register for a course, therefore March 18 will be reserved for your preparation studies. You should have a chance to familiarize yourself with the course in advance and have the opportunity to prepare for our first lecture together.

In order to use the time reasonably, please prepare the following information until the first get together on March 25:

General Questions:

  • What are your wishes and expectations for the course?
  • Why did you choose this course?

Preparation Questions:

  • Research at least one major international negotiation. From your point of view, what was so interesting about it?
  • Have you ever been in a negotiation situation?
  • In what context (business, personal, etc.)?
  • What did you notice? Were there any difficulties or barriers?

I will subscribe you to the moodle course room. Your participation is mandatory during all sessions. Please take this into account for your planning of the coming months.

I am looking forward to see you on March 25 in room D212 at THI or online via zoom.

If you want to participate online, you can find the zoom link below. Please also notice that you can only participate (at THI or online) with a laptop because this course will take place as a hybrid course for the first few weeks!


Zoom-Meeting beitreten

Meeting-ID: 930 4996 1867

Kenncode: 888944

Über Skype for Business beitreten


Best regards

Sabine Eberl

Weitere Kurse

Der Moodle Raum ist die Plattform für mehrere Kurse von Prof. Axmann

The Moodle room is the platform for several courses by Prof. Axmann

- Bachelor Digitale Fabrik

- Bachelor Wahlfach Basics Digital Factory

- IAW WD-M Digital Factory & Digital Engineering

- IAW Bachelor Digital Factory

- M-APE Group Project

- M-APE Scientific Work

- M-WI Digital Factory

- Bachelor Arbeit - Bachelor Thesis

- Master Arbeit - Master Thesis