Andreas Riegler

Allgemeine Informationen rund um die Kurse von A. Riegler


How to build a billion dollar app
Navigation and search patterns for mobile apps
Forms, tables and tools for mobile apps
The importance of feedback, help and tutorials in mobile apps
Patterns (Social and Anti) and Charts for mobile apps



In this project, a natural interface for interacting in a virtual reality environment using a VR head-mounted display capable of tracking eye gaze is developed. Currently, most VR applications utilize head gaze instead of eye gaze. Therefore, eye gaze should be considered for future applications and compared to existing head gaze interactions. During the project, students learn hands-on the basic terms, methods, and concepts for natural user interfaces with focus on gaze-based interactions using eye tracking in VR. As hardware, an HTC Vive Pro Eye will be available to students for implementing the high-fidelity prototype. 

An example use case would be the interaction with a windshield display in semi-automated vehicles, where traditional buttons or touch screens might be in an uncomfortable location from the driver's perspective and therefore gaze-based interactions would be beneficial.

Weitere Kurse

This course covers fundamentals and state-of-the-art in virtual and augmented reality, as well as related areas of 3D computer vision and graphics. Theoretical background as well as practical solutions and applications will be presented in the lectures. AR/VR topics covered in the course range from applications to Gaming, Entertainment, Education, Healthcare, Architecture, Engineering and Construction, Shopping, or Telepresence.
In the accompanied practical and based on the principle of problem-based learning, students will be asked to design an own project (individual or groups) from idea, via implementation, testing, evaluation, demonstration, to documentation. In this way they will experience the full lifecycle of a practical project in AR/VR, as they will face it once they leave the university in either industry or research. A default project will be suggested as fall back, still covering the full lifecycle except the idea.

"Augmented and Virtual Reality Applications" for the UXD master programme. Course room materials for lecture and practical exercises.

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Kursraum für Prinzipien der Mensch-Maschine Interaktion (UXD_PMMI, inkl. Praktium) im SS2022